Thursday, August 13, 2009

| by Posted by Eddie Yvan


friend zone

We all have that ‘friend’ who we like; that one friend that you wouldn’t mind committing to, sexing up or simply being more than friends. Like a car stuck in neutral, you’ve got to kick it into drive, reverse or park it; you just can’t stay on neutral for too long. We’ve all been in situations like this, and just like toilet paper attached to the bottom of your shoe, you never notice it until it is too late. Here are five road signs to pay attention to on the way to the friend zone; hopefully you can detour or plan your trip accordingly…

  1. Conversation. According to Power 98.3 Radio Jockey, Karlie Hustle, “I will make it clear through body language and conversation topics, that I only want that person as a friend.” If your conversation is limited the impersonal gist you can carry on with someone you met two seconds ago on the elevator that is the first sign that there is no deep emotional connection.
  2. Body Language. When it comes to body language, it all depends on the person’s culture. Self distancing when conversing, hand shakes over hugs, and over relaxed or non-chalant body posture when conversing. Before you rush off thinking that a hug means that the person is ‘feeling’ you, take into account that in today’s society hugs are a very common way to embrace a friend; therefore lack of hugs should be a sign.
  3. Time and Effort. According to, OneHunnidt, “The amount of time and effort put into communicating, getting their attention, and letting them know you’re thinking of them is key.”. If there is no effort made to contact you, no text message, instant message, email, or phone call… that shows you are not their priority when it comes to communication and they need not put effort into your ‘relationship’.
  4. Conversation Topics. Things like referencing you to siblings or talking about people who they’re sexually interested are indicators… If they mention fantasies of people like Juelz Santana or Beyonce, because those are celebrities who are idolized and the likelihood of them having that encounter is low, they do not count. Now if they talk about someone from their daily life who they would love to have sex with, be aware, take note.
  5. The Direct Approach. In case the line between friend and more has been muddled by mixed indicators, a variety of conversation topics, changing body language, and mixed efforts… there will be a direct approach for distinguishing purposes. Dependent on the person this could take days, weeks, or even months to occur. According to AZ Socialite, Britne Starr, “I’d probably say something like, ‘You know you’re my friend right? Nothing more, nothing less’.”

No one said the friend zone is a permanent situation. It is just very hard for someone to travel down that road and make a U-Turn. Save yourself the trip and pay attention to the road signs. Even if you do wind up being stuck in the friend zone, it’s not a bad thing. Just don’t expect above whatever that friendship entails.


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