Tuesday, August 18, 2009

| by Posted by Eddie Yvan


6 Rules

To Never Get Caught Cheating

Photo by Trajan Designs

Cheating, has been around since the beginning of time, and one might even say it’s a natural thing to do. I’ve seen monkey’s cheat on the discovery channel. Yet in all people hate being cheated despite having a hard time defining what exactly is cheating. So with that said, I want to apply some basic rules to creeping or cheating so you’ll never get caught.

Never Cheat In Your Home:

  • One thing I’ve found a lot of people do, is invite their side piece over to their house where their boo lives or spends a lot of time at. I never understood this. It’s like you’re screaming to get caught, your side piece might leave something their, or worst shed on your pillows. Nothing is worth than finding someone else’s hair on your boo’d bed.

Push The Seat Back:

  • Another mistake people make happens in the car, They forget to push the seat back to the spot it was when their boo got out. I know myself, I always ask who you had in the car when the seat is pushed too far back or leaning in an extremely hood way. I even ask when the seat is pushed too close to the dashboard. That means one of two things, either you have a midget best friend or you were in the back seat getting it busy.

Different Towns:

  • Never flaunt your side piece in the town that your main lives in, that’s just stupid, you leave people the option of telling your business. Then you’ll end up alone and labeled as a cheater and that’s not a tag anyone wants.

Different Place:

  • A lot of times we get what I like to call the Batman effect. Same Bat Channel and same Bat time. We bring our side piece to the same spot we bring our main piece to, I never understood this, its dumb. If you creep its pretty clear that you don’t want to get caught, so why cross that line? You’ll just end up having a not so dumb argument.

Don’t Leave A Log:

  • A lot of times people are caught cheating by someone who went through their phone, and emails. People if you know you’re creeping protect yourself by deleting flirty messages and text. Leave a few innocent ones their so you’re boo won’t expect anything. Make a side folder where you know it won’t get checked. A lot of times people snooping for dirt, only check the inbox and the outbox… Always remember to log out, and clean your trash.

Wear A Condom:

  • The absolute worst way to find out you’ve been cheated on is to catch something, get pregnant or find a condom wrapper hiding somewhere. I know in the heat of the moment condom wrappers tend to go flying across the room and all, but if you’re creeping make sure you get rid of it in a neutral spot, like the sewer, public trash can or somewhere that it won’t pop up. I recently found an empty condom wrapper in my luggage. I wanted to dispose of it accordingly and didn’t want to leave any evidence.


  • If you’re going to cheat one important thing we forget, is to spend the same amount of time with the main as we did before. A great sign to know if your main is cheating is to evaluate the amount of time they use to spend w/ you, with the amount of time they are spending with you now. If you’re really smart you’re clear an extra hour of time to spend even more time w/ your main while giving your side piece that hour on Tuesday and Thursday.

What are some other rules of creeping so you won’t get caught?


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