Monday, August 17, 2009

| by Posted by Eddie Yvan


The Controversial Coco Booty

This topic has been an ongoing subject for years now and I would like to set things straight in my own words. I see news articles, blogs, TV shows and conversations about my body and butt that really are silly to me. My website gets hundreds of emails a day asking "is your booty real?"

The answer is YES! 100% All Natural! I had my boobs enhanced at 18 years old and that is the only plastic surgery that I ever have done to my body.

Even after I write this blog and people read it, some people will say I'm lying and still have their opinion that it is fake.

Let me start by describing my body type, a short, athletic small build. For those that don't know I'm only 5"2'. I was never the super skinny girl in school even though I wanted to be. I was never fat but always thought I had bigger thighs than the other girls, just a little not by a lot. My dad is naturally muscular without ever having to go into the gym and my mom has a curvy body, small waist and wide hips. With that alone, my parents have some great genes.

My parents were both in the entertainment business and met on the set of Bonanza. Because of that my mom has always been conscious of her looks which to me made me feel I too had to be perfect. She was always watching her weight which made me want to be skinny too. When i was growing up, my friends would tease me about my butt calling me names not destructively, just more playing around. Back then I thought they were fat jokes.

The first time I was called "bubble butt" was when I was around 12. My butt wasn't huge but on my small frame it would bulge out a little bit plus my back has a natural deep arch. My best friend and sister would call my booty their crystal ball and they could see the future. Funny huh? I bet you haven't heard that one before?

So, fastforward to when I heard the word fat for the first time..I was working for Playboy at age 18, the producer pulled me aside and told me that I was starting to gain weight. Back then this was devastating to me. If you looked at me then I was skinny but to them I wasn't. At that time I was only 118 pounds compared to today, now I'm 135 pounds (that weight had to go somewhere,LOL). From then on I was so concerned. I did everything to get skinnier. I wasn't comfortable with my curves. I remember having 36 inch hips and a 21 inch waist. I was working on getting them to 34 inches because in California this is the way they wanted it. And I believed that their opinion was all that mattered in this world.

I only started feeling comfortable about my body and booty when Ice came into my life. He liked a little meat on his bones. He convinced me that my body is beautiful and unique, a white girl with a thick body. He calls me unusual. Work with what you got. So I did and let my frustrations go.

I started modeling again for fun 2 years ago after stopping for 5 years to be a wife and help run all of our business endeavors. The rumors started like crazy. I was so amazed. I couldn't believe people thought my butt was fake. Does that mean my thighs are fake too? Is it IMPOSSIBLE for a white girl to have a booty? Maybe they think since I enhanced my boobs so why stop there? There is no way I would even consider a butt procedure. I'm actually against it. I already have to be careful of my breasts, but you sit on your booty, you don't sit on your boobs! The best solution is to build it with muscle.I'm now 30 years old and a girls body fluctuates all the time but right now my hips are a size 40 and my waist is 23 inches. I work out hard in the gym mostly concentrating on my lower body.

I would like to also mention the muscle that sits on the top of my butt (pictured below) Not everybody can build this. It has to be in your genes. Its kinda looks like the top of a heart shape. I use heavy weights to work this area.

Swimsuit and erotic modeling requires a lot of dedication. Because the body is always exposed you have to maintain an athletic physic. The only way I know how to get that is to hit the gym. I work out HARD at least 3 times a week. Just trying to keep my curves. I'd be lying if I said it was easy.

That is no secret. I work out and I got lucky with some booty genes. Who would have ever thought, the little girl that thought she was fat now has a booty that everybody's talking about.

P.S I'm sure some of you feel i shouldn't even have to explain myself but I wanted to try to set the record straight.

Until the next thought.....

This is me at 18 before my breast enhancement:


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